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duo is a multidisciplinary studio focusing on branding, digital design and digital development based in New York City. we love to design and build things for paper and screen and most things in between.

    • Identity & Branding
    • Logotypes & Brand Marks
    • Brand Guidelines
    • Print & Communications
    • Editorial Design
    • Print Design
    • Package Design
    • Digital & Web
    • Website Design
    • Website Development
    • User Experience
    • E-Commerce Websites

we believe in the power of collaboration so when you want to work on something truly great, hit us up!

If you would like to work with us & create something amazing please tell us a little about yourself...

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5 Ways to Wellbeing

  • Brand Identity
  • Editorial Design
  • Print Design
  • Strategic Design
  • User Experience
  • Web Design
  • Web Development

duo was incredibly thrilled and honoured to be able to work with the Royal Melbourne hospital on their brand new website for mental health and wellbeing. 5 ways to wellbeing is an informational and resources filled website for people who are going through some struggles. duo refreshed their brand and also gave them an incredibly vibrant, fun and interactive website built on the WordPress platform. The website also features a voice reader for the visually impaired and an abundance of quizzes and documentation.

View Website
5 Ways to Wellbeing - Branding Update
5 Ways to Wellbeing Website - 5 Way Page
5 Ways to Wellbeing Website - Short Videos Page